Enjoy the most beautiful winter events and traditions in Sao Miguel!

1. Magical Christmas Circus
Cardinali Live Entertainment and Coliseu Micaelense are happy to surprise their audience with the introduction of two new sessions for December 9th, given the high demand for the Christmas Magic Circus and the fact that both of the sessions on December 7th have already sold out!
The Christmas Magic Circus is being brought to the greatest show venue in the Azores for the first time by The Cardinali Live Entertainment and Coliseu Micaelense!
The Christmas Magic Circus is a component of the contemporary circus movement, which places more of an emphasis on musical and scenic elements and targets an older audience. The kids now have a turn!
2. Imaculada Conceição
According to Catholic doctrine, the conception of the Virgin Mary occurs without the stain of original sin, or macula in Latin. This is known as the Immaculate Conception.
According to dogma, because the Virgin Mary was endowed with divine grace, God saved her from the lack of sanctifying grace that befalls humans from the very beginning of her life. It further asserts that the life of the Virgin Mary was sinless.
Pope Sixtus IV declared the feast of the Immaculate Conception, which is observed on December 8, to be a universal feast on February 28, 1476.
3. Dia de Montras
On December 8, which is also known as Traditional Commerce Day or Window Display Day, the nation celebrates the Immaculate Conception.
Local businesses have been luring visitors to make Christmas purchases and gifts by decorating their windows with visuals that reference the Christmas season or feature their greatest products for decades.
The city’s streets are already decorated for Christmas and are crowded with people and holiday-themed activity in addition to the mass in the Main Church.
4. December 24th in Portugal
In Portugal, Christmas Day isn’t the most significant holiday, unlike in other nations. The primary celebration day is Christmas Eve, which falls on December 24, when families get together to celebrate till late over dinner.
Parties usually begin between six and seven o’clock. For a few hours, families enjoy their time together while dinner is only served later, between 8 and 9 pm. They sip wine and nibble on some appetizers.
In Portugal, salted cod, or bacalhau, is usually the star of the show for Christmas eve dinner. Portuguese families typically eat baked cod with potatoes, boiled eggs, and cabbage during the “Consoada.”
5. Dia dos Reis, the end of Christmas
The official end of the Christmas season is January 6, also known as “Dia dos Reis,” or “Day of the Kings.” The Portuguese customarily pack up their Christmas trees and decorations on this day to bid the holiday season farewell.
On this day, Catholics celebrate the legend that, on the night of January 5, three wise men—known as Reis Magos—guided by a star came to visit baby Jesus. Jesus received gifts of gold, incense and myrrh from the three kings, Belchior, Baltazar, and Gaspar.
Portuguese families gather to celebrate the end of Christmas on this day. They partake in the same Christmas fare as on the 24th and 25th, including rabanadas, codfish and Bolo Rei.
Enjoy the most beautiful winter holidays in Sao Miguel with you family and friends, always counting on Ponta Delgada Taxi, for outstanding and high quality taxi services while enjoying the most enchanting moments!